
Moreton Show Arena Eventing Competition

7th September 2024

Moreton Show Arena Eventing Competition is being organised by Moreton Show and the booking agent is Equine Bookings

About this Event

Arena Eventing Challenge open to both Teams and Individuals. Majority of fences will not exceed 0.90cm in height. Special prizes for Best PC Team, Best RC Team and Best Golden Oldies!!

The Arena Eventing Challenge is a ‘derby’ style competition with a section of 8-10 show jumps leading to 6-8 efforts over portable and fixed cross-country fences and finishing over a final show jump. If you knock the final fence down, you will incur 6 penalties. The majority of fences will not exceed 0.90m in height. Competitors will go straight from the show jumping into the cross-country phase. The optimum time is based on a speed of 375m/minute.

Useful Dates & Times
Event Opens: 07/09/2024 08:00
Booking Closes: 26/08/2024 23:59
Times Issued: 06/09/2024 (not before 6pm)
(On Organiser's Website (as defined in Organiser Profile))
Course Walking: 07/09/2024 08:00 - 07/08/2024 08:30
Medical Cover

Please note medical cover for this event is charged at a per rider/horse combination and will be added automatically.

The cost is £1.00 per combination.

Event Contacts
Moreton Show
(Jess Parkes)
61 Team Arena Eventing Challenge
£150.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Four competitors. Top three scores to count. Can enter as 1 rider and add names when known

62 Individual Arena Eventing Challenge
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Individual Arena Eventing Challenge

Refund, Withdrawals & Entry Changes

Withdrawal Date: 19/08/2024

No refunds will be given except on receipt of valid Veterinary or Doctors certificate.

In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded in full minus any booking fees

After the closing date please contact the event Secretary to make any changes

Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Secretary

Moreton Showground
Batsford Road
GL56 0AB
Login to see distance
Entry information

JUDGE: Dawn Allen

ENTRY FEE: £150 Team £45 Individual plus a non refundable booking fee as stated online

Prizes & Prize Giving

Rosettes to 6th place and prizes in kind to 3rd place. Team Rosettes to Best PC team and Best BRC

Terms and Conditions

The competition is run under Pony Club rules 2024. We particularly draw your attention to the following:

1. All hats must be current standard and tag with pink coloured hat tags. All back protectors must be current BETA 2018 standard in line with PC and BRC rules as in current rule book.

2. Cross country colours or jackets should be worn. No jewellery, watches or stop watches allowed. No electronic recording devices are permitted on horse or rider.

3. All ponies and horses must be over 5 years of age and have current vaccination forms. Passports should be made available if requested. We reserve the right to carry out spot checks on passports.

4. Items of tack and saddlery must comply with BRC/Pony Club regulations. Whips must not exceed 75cm in length.

5. The judges’ decision is final, and they may disqualify any rider at any stage in the competition for dangerous riding, inappropriate behaviour, misuse of whip or spurs, ill treatment of the horse or if in their opinion the horse is lame, sick or exhausted. See PC rules for definition of these terms.

6. The Organising Committee of Moreton Show horse committee reserves the right to make any changes/amendments to the competition or rules.

7. Each competitor must carry their own insurance. If a rider has a fall from their horse, they must be seen by one of the designated medical staff.

8. Each competitor must be a fully paid up member of the BRC/PC it represents on day of competition.

9. Each team must have a minimum of three team members, with the team being made up of three individual riders and horses. If the team is made up of four members, the team must be made up of four individual riders and horses.

10. The team score/overall score is made up of the best three team members scores, with the fourth member being a discard score.

11. Entries open June 2024 and close on 19th August 2024. Numbers accepted will be limited. Times will be published w/c 26th August 2024 on .

12. Prize giving for teams and individuals 1st – 6th will be dismounted in correct dress. This will take place in the arena as soon as possible after the competition has finished. Please monitor scores on and ensure winning teams and individuals are ready in good time.

13. Each entrant will receive one horse box/trailer pass, one competitor’s pass and one groom/partner pass. These passes provide them with complimentary access to the event for the duration of Saturday 7th September.

All other friends and family over 5 years of age MUST purchase tickets and can do so in advance at or they will be charged full gate price on the day of the event.

14. No refunds will be given except on receipt of valid Veterinary or Doctors certificate

• All dogs must be kept on leads.

• No horses may be left outside lorries unattended.

• When mounted, all competitors must use the designated horse walks. Failure to do so may result in elimination.

• Vehicle Pass must be clearly visible in lorry/towing vehicle window.

• Parking is limited, so please follow instructions issued by the parking stewards at all times.

• Abuse of volunteers and officials will not be tolerated.

• Objections – may be made on the day with submission of £20 which will be forfeit if objection not upheld.

• Liability – The Moreton Show Society do not hold themselves responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any persons or exhibit at the Show, and it shall be a condition of entry that exhibitors hold the society blameless and indemnify it against legal proceedings there from.