NWSC Ossie Ward Showing Show 2025

NWSC Ossie Ward Showing Show 2025 is being organised by Rita West and the booking agent is Equine Bookings
Event Date: | 27/07/2025 08:00 |
Booking Closes: | 23/07/2025 23:55 |
Best Condition & Turnout
Top two highest placed 153cm and under qualify for SWPA Show Hunter Pony In Hand, H.
Two highest placed over 153cm will qualify for SWPA Hunters In hand, E.
mares & geldings, to include Piebald, Skewbald, Appaloosa,
Spotted, Duns & Palomino
Qualifier for SWPA Coloured Horse/Pony In hand, D
Qualifier for SWPA Mountain & Moorland In Hand (Ponies must be registered with their respective Pure
Breed Society Stud Books) and SWPA Mountain & Moorland Part bred In hand (All part breds must be
registered) The top two from each category will qualify. F & M
Pure & Part- Bred – mares & geldings, Pure breds must be shown unplaited.
Qualifier for SWPA Mountain & Moorland In Hand (Ponies must be registered with their respective Pure
Breed Society Stud Books) and SWPA Mountain & Moorland Part bred In hand (All part breds must be
registered) The top two from each category will qualify. F & M
Open to any mare or gelding, 4 years old & over, to be shown unplaited & true to type.
X- Race horse in hand 4 years old and over Qualifier for SWPA X Race horse In hand, X
Veteran in Hand horse / pony over 15 years. Qualifier for SWPA Veteran in hand , V
Junior Novice Handler. Horse/ Pony any type, handler age groups 5-8 & 9-13 years.
Two highest placed (not previously qualified) not exceeding 153cm riders suitably mounted, to qualify for
SWPA Show Hunter Pony ridden. H1
Two highest placed exceeding 153cm, riders to have attained their 16th birthday before 1st January in thecurrent year to qualify for SWPA Hunters Ridden, E1
Novice Lead Rein, not to exceed 128cm, rider 8 years & under
Novice First Ridden, riders 12 years & under
Qualifier for SWPA Coloured Horse/Pony Ridden, D1
Qualifier for SWPA Veteran Horse/Pony Ridden, V1
Qualifier for SWPA Mountain & Moorland Ridden (Ponies must be registered with their respective Pure
Breed Society Stud Books) and SWPA Mountain & Moorland Part bred Ridden (All part breds must be
registered) The top two from each category will qualify. F1 &M1
Qualifier for SWPA Mountain & Moorland Ridden (Ponies must be registered with their respective Pure
Breed Society Stud Books) and SWPA Mountain & Moorland Part bred Ridden (All part breds must be
registered) The top two from each category will qualify. F1 &M1
Qualifier for SWPA X Race horse ridden, X1.
Riding Club Horse/ Pony mares & geldings 4 years & over, must jump a small X pole.
No refunds at any time.
Refunds in exceptional circumstances only to be managed by event secy
In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded in full minus any booking fees
After the closing date please contact the event Organiser rita.docker@btinternet.com to make any changes
Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Organiser rita.docker@btinternet.com
off Queen Street
Entries : To be made online, Enter online at www.horse-events.co.uk All entries are subject to a non-refundable booking fee which will be stated online on a per class basis Entry fee: £9 per class.
Pre-entries ONLY, closing date: 23rd July 2025.
The SWPA Championship show takes place bet 28th – 30th Aug 205.
Ossie Ward Trophy- will be awarded to Club member with most placings.
South West Pony Association Championship Qualifying Rules PLEASE NOTE:
The following insertion statement must be included in your schedule or affiliation WILL be refused.
This show is a qualifier for the South West Pony Association Championships to be held on 29 – 31 August 2024 at The David Broome Event Centre, Crick, Monmouthshire. NP26 5XP
To qualify for the Championships: SWPA Members Enter one of the qualifying classes. Be either first or second in the class, and get your card signed.
Take a picture of the card and upload via www.showingscene.com Non-SWPA Members Enter one of the qualifying classes. Register online at www.showingscene.com within 14 days of qualification Send an Email to RichardatSWPA@aol.com advising of the show you attended, the class entered, and the position gained. You will be sent Qualifying Cards for the Horses / Ponies registered.
Please Note: Registration fee for 2023/4 is £25 to include all members of the family and equines owned by the family. For shows held after the 2024 Championship Show, qualification will be for the 2025 Championship Show
All horses to be vaccinated – please bring your passport with you.
1) Shows and Qualifying classes at Affiliated Shows to run under the rules of the South West Pony Association’s general show rules, a copy of which can be obtained from the Secretary, Miss Charise Broad, or downloaded from
our website.
2) The organisers and SWPA accept NO responsibility for any accident, loss or damage to any competitors, spectators, animals or property. It shall be a condition of entry that competitors will hold the organisers blameless and indemnify them against any loss, damage or legal proceedings.
3) All competitors take part at their OWN RISK and are expected to exercise due care at all times and obey all notices displayed.
4) The SWPA recommends that all exhibitors should have adequate personal sports insurance.
5) All shows affiliated to SWPA MUST have adequate Third-Party insurance.
6) All accidents/incidents/falls should be reported to the Secretary of the individual show.
7) Exhibitors: Exhibitors may not knowingly exhibit any Pony/Horse that has been bred, sold, leased or produced by the Judge, or his/her immediate family or his/her employer, or from which financial gain has been made in the last two years. Exhibitors may be asked to produce documentation if required. An exhibitor may not show an equine in a competition class judged by any member of his/her immediate family, may not show under a judge for whom he/she has produced an equine within two years of the current year date, and may not ride in a class judged by someone for whom he/she has ridden in a competition within two years of the current year date. Exhibitors in both Ridden and In-Hand classes should wear NO Face and or Body Jewellery
8) Equines: All Ridden Ponies MUST be 4 years old & over. All Colts / Stallions two years old and over must be in possession of a current licence, (unless otherwise governed by the individual Breed Society) and adequately bitted.
All Stallions MUST wear ‘Stallion Badges’ in all showing classes In-Hand Stallions / Colts may NOT be led by any Juniors who have not attained their 14th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Reins that restrict the natural movement of a pony/horse MUST not be used in the ring. Snaffle Bridles only should be used in Lead Rein, First Ridden, Novice Ridden & Novice Ridden Working Hunter Classes. ‘Wilkie Bits’ may not be used as Snaffles and may not be used as part of a double bridle. (Details of acceptable Snaffle Bridles can be obtained from the (Secretary). Mountain & Moorland ponies MUST be shown in their natural state and trimming MUST comply with the respective Pure Breed Society Stud Books. Mountain & Moorland ponies and Part Breds must be registered with their respective Pure Breed Societies and registration numbers to be stated on the entry forms and when entered on the day, (unless otherwise stated on the individual class). These conditions also apply to horses/ponies entered as Pure Bred, Part Bred & Anglo Arabs. Mares with foals at foot MUST have attained their 4th birthday.
All foals being shown MUST be a minimum of three weeks old on the day of the show. No Foals to be Clipped, Lunged or shown Bitted. Mountain & Moorland Foals must be eligible for entry into their respective Pure Breed Society Stud Books. SWPA recommend all equines are vaccinated against Equine Influenzas. We recommend Affiliated Shows check passports of all equines attending their show, and make exhibitors aware of any additional rules applied by the venues they use.
9) Riders / Handlers: Any Pony Stallion not exceeding 138cms or Small Breed Mountain & Moorland Stallions may NOT be ridden by juniors who have NOT attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year at any show affiliated to South West Pony Association. Stallions exceeding 138cms or Large Breed Mountain & Moorland Stallions may NOT be ridden by Juniors who have NOT attained their 14th birthday before 1st Januaryin the current at any show affiliated to South West Pony Association. (unless otherwise governed by the individual Breed Society) Junior Handlers of equines in all In-Hand classes, aged 14 years and under should wear correctly secured current British Standard skull caps/riding hats.
All Children MUST have attained their 3rd birthday by 1st January in the current year before competing in ANY ridden classes and must comply with the upper limit of the class entered and be prepared to supply a copy of their
birth certificate if requested.
Riders MUST be within the correct age limits for the type of Horse/Pony ridden for the qualification to be valid. In
Ridden Classes, if a rider falls off at any time whilst in the ring, both pony/horse and rider MUST leave the ring, rider dismounted, and take no further part in the class.
Exhibitors in both Ridden and In-Hand classes should wear NO Face and or Body Jewellery Correct British Standard
Headgear conforming to European VG1 and/or PAS015 both with BSI Kitemarking or current standards to be worn at all times when mounted, with chinstraps from 3 points on the hat fastened.
NO Spurs to worn in any ridden class and Showing Canes MUST not exceed 30″.
10) Judges: The Judges’ decision is final.
11) Welfare of Equines: If an equine is deemed to be being mistreated in any way whilst at the show ground, the person or persons responsible may be asked to leave the show ground and may be reported to the authorities.
The SWPA is also supporting the appropriate size/weight of rider for the equine they are riding.
12) Behaviour: Behaviour by an exhibitor or his/her servants deemed unsporting or unreasonable, may be requested to leave the showground. Any animal which in the opinion of the judge, is deemed out of control will be requested to leave the ring and/or the show ground. Any exhibitors or their servants seen using social media to air disputes will be requested to remove all their exhibits from the showground and forfeit any entry fees paid.
13) Objections: We advise that objections be made in writing to the secretary of your show within 30 minutes of the completion of the relevant class and accompanied with a fee of £10.00 (refundable if the objection is upheld) If you have any queries regarding the rules, please contact Richard Broad on 01934 633304.